Church is family.
Church is kingdom.
Church is mission.

We’re a group of Christians who love the Lord and His church. Individually and collectively we’re on a spiritual journey in which we’re actively seeking God and His guidance for our lives. We believe that God’s Word teaches, inspires and convicts us. We recognize that living a spiritually-minded life isn’t always the easiest, but it is the most rewarding and fulfilling life to live.



We are a group of Christians at Cornerstone, GVSU & Calvin. We strive to love God, love one another, and share the Gospel message of God’s love with others on our campuses. We also love to have fun and always strive to maintain academic excellence.

Campus Devo
Fridays at 7pm


In today’s society, there are many distractions that can break down the union of marriage. Our goal is to build godly marriages & godly families who can enjoy life to the fullest. We have regular family gatherings, couples counseling, marriage classes & parenting class.

Monthly Devotionals
& Date Nights

Youth & Family

This ministry is a place where our young teens (5th-8th grade) and our older teens (9th-12 grade) can come together to have a great time, while learning how to be the people God has called them to be. As a church, we believe that it is a team effort to raise our children.

Parenting Workshops &
Monthly Teen Devotionals 

Young Professionals

We provide ongoing opportunities for professionals to connect for fellowship and meaningful activities. These experiences promote spiritual and personal growth that enable us to live to our fullest potential for God.

Monthly Events & Outings 

What To Expect

We’d love for you to join us for a Sunday service. Below are some FAQ’s so you know what to expect when you visit.

What is service like?
Our Sunday service is a time of singing, prayer, communion, and contribution. We also hear inspiring and helpful lessons from the Bible. 

What should I wear?
When you come to our service you will find people wearing everything from jeans to suits. We believe you’ll feel completely welcome – whether you’re casually dressed or in your “Sunday best.”

Do I need to bring anything?
Nope. A Bible is recommended but not necessary. An open heart is always helpful. And of course feel free to bring friends and family!

What about tithing?
We have a weekly offering segment during our service that provides the opportunity for members to contribute to church’s ongoing work to make Jesus known as well as meet the needs of the poor. For those visiting there is no pressure to give, we are just glad to have you.


How long is a worship service?
The duration of our service is typically an hour and a half. We start at 10am, and we’re done by 11:30 but we welcome you to stay after to meet people and let them meet you. It’s always a good idea to arrive a few minutes early to settle in.

What is the style of music and singing?
We worship through a diverse mixture of musical styles. We regularly sing a mix of hymns, gospel, and contemporary songs.

What about my kids?
We want to make sure that both children and adults enjoy an encouraging and inspiring time each Sunday. During worship services we offer a children’s program from infants through 5th grade.

What is communion?
Every week we participate in the taking of communion. It’s during service where we remember the sacrificial death of Jesus on the cross. We eat bread and drink juice to commemorate his death in the manner he had requested.


Ministry Staff

Ben & Jen Weatherston

Ben & Jen Weatherston

Ben and Jen were converted in the campus ministry in 2000 and married in 2002. They served in Detroit as teen leaders, small group leaders, and region leaders. They have 2 sons.

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Grand Rapids Church of Christ